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Visual Schedule

HEY KIDS! Members of the medical team are not the only ones who need to prepare for surgery. Patients do, too! Not every procedure is the same, but if you read and listen to these steps, you’ll get a pretty good idea of what to expect before and after your neurosurgery operation. If you have any questions about your preparation, operation or recovery, ask members of the health care team. They’ll do their best to answer as best they can.

1. At Home

When I get up, I MUST NOT eat or drink before I go to the hospital.

2. When I Arrive at the Hospital

I will go to Pre-Admission Clinic 1C3.
I will check in at the registration desk. I will get an ID band to put on. For my safety, I need to keep this band on.

I may have to wait. There will be other children and families waiting too! I can bring something to do while I wait. There are also books that I can read and movies for me to watch.

3. Getting Ready For The Operation

I will meet my nurse. She will help me get ready for my operation.
The nurse will measure how tall I am and how much I weigh.
I will be shown to a room to get ready.
I will change into hospital clothes.
Next I will have my blood pressure taken. I need to stay very still.
Then, I will have my temperature taken. Next is the band-aid with the little red light. This goes on my my finger to check how I am breathing. I must not wiggle my finger.
The nurse will put magic cream on my right and left hands. The cream is covered by a clear band-aid. The magic cream may make my skin tingle. I cannot touch the magic cream.

4. In The Operating Room

The operating room is a very busy place. The lights are very bright. There will be people wearing green gowns, hats and masks. It can be very noisy in this room too! When I go to the operating room, I will meet the anesthesiologist (an-es-thee-z-all-o-gist). He is the sleepy-medicine doctor.
I will lie down on the bed. This bed is very tall and I may need help climbing into the bed.
I may need to breathe sleepy air from a mask. Don’t worry, it smells sweet, like strawberries! I will go to sleep for a while. While I am sleeping, my family will be waiting for me.
A tube will be put where the magic cream is. It will not hurt. This tube is for water and medicine that I need for the operation. This is called an intravenous or IV.
After the operation, I will go to the recovery room (or wake up room). Special nurses will take care of me while I am sleeping. I may feel dizzy or sleepy when I wake up. I will help the nurse by staying very still and not pulling at my tubes.
When it is safe for me, I will go to the unit that I will stay in: Unit 4D, or intensive care. I must lie very still and stay on the bed while it is moving.
I will know I am arriving at the unit 4D because there are fish and dolphins on the roof. I can see my family now.
I will most likely need to have my blood pressure and breathing monitored. That’s what the screen in the back is. I might have an IV pump to help give me medication.
I can just relax. There is a TV at my bed with lots of channels to watch.
The nurses and health team on the units are really, really nice. They will take good care of me. They will tell me when I can eat and drink again. I need to make sure I tell my nurse if I have pain. They can help make it feel better.
When the doctor says I can go home, the nurse will remove the medicine tube from my hand. I can pick out a band-aid.
I will change back into my clothes and I can go home. My family will get information on taking care of me at home. I need to rest and get better!
Visual schedule courtesy of Lillian Mah, RN.
Stollery Pediatric Day Ward/Pre-Admission Clinic


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