Advocating for your child in the community and school system can be an overwhelming task. The following agencies focus on family advocacy and support:
The Edmonton Coalition
This is a group of eight organizations dedicated to the inclusion of children with special needs and the support of their families.
Alberta Association for Community Living
This is a non-profit group that represents the interests of children and adults with disabilities. They advocate for issues from inclusive education to community living.
AACL provides free consultation services to teachers in modifying and adapting curriculum. They have a large variety of resource material and offer in-services and workshops. Visit or call (780) 451-3055.
Gateway Association for Community Living
This association provides support and education for individuals and families regarding public awareness, training and advocating services. Learn more at or call (780) 454-0701.
Parent-provided transportation
In some cases, parents of students with special education needs may receive a subsidy for parent-provided transportation when a reasonable level of yellow bus service can’t be provided. Only one subsidy will be provided for parents transporting more than one child to the same school.
Applying for a subsidy
If Student Transportation determines that a reasonable level of yellow bus service can’t be provided, you can apply for a subsidy by completing the parent-provided agreement form.
For more information about the parent-provided transportation subsidy, contact Student Transportation or your child’s school office.