My dear daughter was breech. I had to have a C-section to deliver her because of her breech position. When they took her out I was ecstatic and full of love and joy that my baby girl was finally here. I noticed right away that her head looked a bit strange. I asked the nurses in the hospital about it and they assured me that it was fine. At her two-week weigh-in at the health centre I asked another nurse. She said she would refer us to the Head Shape Clinic at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. That is where our journey with Dr. Mehta and Wendy began. At the age of four weeks we met with them. Wendy took one look at my baby and said she had sagittal synostosis and that she would need surgery to correct it.
I sat in the corner and cried my eyes out. I couldn’t fathom the idea of my tiny baby girl having to have to go through a surgery at such a young age. I was a mess. I cried for days. I kept apologizing to my baby for what she was about to go through. I thought it was my fault, that I did something in pregnancy that caused this. Later I found out that this wasn’t the case at all. There’s nothing you do to cause it – it just happens. She was scheduled for surgery on April 16, 2013 at the young age of 11 weeks old. The days leading up to the surgery, I was a mess. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and couldn’t stop crying. I knew we were in great, capable hands with Wendy and Dr. Mehta but it was still hard to process. When the nurse came to get my baby, I handed her over with a heavy heart and almost dropped to my knees with anguish, worry and heartache. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do to hand her over. The next few hours felt like it took forever. Finally we saw Wendy and she said it was all done, and that our baby girl did amazing. Tears of joy came rushing out. The worst part was over. We spent the next two days at the Stollery Children’s Hospital while she recovered. She had some swelling but she was in good spirits.
I couldn’t fathom the idea of my tiny baby girl having to have to go through a surgery at such a young age. I kept apologizing to my baby for what she was about to go through.
We went home and a few weeks later got her helmet – a cute light one with butterflies on it. She wore her helmet for about four months and when it was all over she had a beautifully shaped head. Looking back now I am so glad it is over, but I know it was worth it. Wendy and Dr. Mehta did an amazing job and have been fantastic through the whole process. We could never thank them enough for their expertise and knowledge and what they did for our daughter. To everyone involved: thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!